Fora’s preserved full bloom Roses are superbly supple, with delicate petals formed perfectly around each bud. Enrich bouquets, centrepieces, and arrangements with these gorgeous blooms.
Fora’s preserved full bloom Roses are superbly supple, with delicate petals formed perfectly around each bud. Enrich bouquets, centrepieces, and arrangements with these gorgeous blooms.
General: Variations in size, shape and colour can exist between flora of the same batch and also from batch to batch.
Dimensions: All heights, weights and stem counts are indicative values and not a guarantee.
Colour: All of our product images have been uploaded without the use of filters and are likely to be perceived differently depending on your screen.
100% Natural: Our roses are completely natural and were preserved at the peak of their natural beauty. Genuine flowers and foliage such as these could have cracks and other natural imperfections just like non-preserved flora.
Pricing: All prices and discounts are subject to change at our own discretion – you will receive advanced notice should changes occur.
Click here for more detailed information on these Terms and Conditions.
Product Information
Origin:Â Columbia
Colour: yellow, pink, white, lilac, red, orange,
Dimensions: D 5CM-5.5CM H 4CMÂ *indicative values, not a guarantee*Â
Full bloom rose – 6 Heads
Fora’s preserved full bloom Roses are superbly supple, with delicate petals formed perfectly around each bud. Enrich bouquets, centrepieces, and arrangements with these gorgeous blooms.
Fora’s preserved full bloom Roses are superbly supple, with delicate petals formed perfectly around each bud. Enrich bouquets, centrepieces, and arrangements with these gorgeous blooms.
Additional information
Bombina pink, Garnet red, Gelato yellow, Honey orange, Marshmallow pink, Romantic pink, Stone beige
Click here for more detailed information on these Terms and Conditions.
Product Information
Origin:Â Columbia
Colour: yellow, pink, white, lilac, red, orange,
Dimensions: D 5CM-5.5CM H 4CMÂ *indicative values, not a guarantee*Â
Packing Information: 6 Heads per window box
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